Intentional leadership at work and home

You value professional success and being an involved parent. Work with a coach who appreciates both of these priorities.

Jessica understands what it takes to help working parents achieve their full potential as a professional and a parent.

Helping working parents thrive

Being a working parent is often framed as a distraction in the workplace, but I believe that parenthood is actually a leadership asset. At its heart, leadership is about influencing people towards a common goal, which means that working parents are constantly leading—whether they’re motivating their unit to meet sales goals, guiding a surgical team through a complex procedure, or inspiring their kids to pick up their shoes.

The truth is, many of the same competencies that make a great parent also make a great leader:

  • Developing meaningful relationships

  • Demonstrating emotional intelligence

  • Successfully resolving conflict and setting boundaries

  • Effectively transmitting values

  • Facilitating constructive communication

  • Balancing warmth and structure

Cultivating these transferable skills allows you to maximize effectiveness and happiness at both work and home.

Coaching Services

  • Leadership coaching

    In coaching sessions, we will explore your professional and personal development, knowing that these two spheres are mutually reinforcing. Themes that regularly emerge include values, balance, visibility, prioritization, boundaries, confidence, and communication.

  • Parental leave coaching

    Designed to support and retain talented parents in the workforce, Jessica supports working parents and their managers before, during and after parental leave. Coaching is offered in both 1:1, group, and hybrid formats.

Issues I help with…

  • Building skills to enhance leadership at work and home

  • Effective time management, flexibility, and balance

  • Fostering a sense of team at work and home

  • Feeling “stuck” in your personal or professional life

  • Building capacity and confidence to increase visibility and advancement opportunities

  • Helping new parents prioritize, transition, and manage logistics

  • Shifting from a reactive to proactive mindset

  • Feeling more focused and present in your life

  • Addressing imposter syndrome or fear around under-performing at work and/or home

  • Processing ambivalence around expanded roles and responsibilities at work and/or expanding your family

  • Navigating life transitions including career changes, divorce/separation, and becoming an empty-nester

About Jessica

Jessica Wilen, Ph.D. is a nationally-recognized thought leader and advocate for working parents. In addition to her coaching and consulting work, she authors A Cup of Ambition, a popular weekly newsletter focused on high-achieving working moms.

My conversations with Jessica were invaluable. She gave me the tools to authentically connect with my team and my kids, we discussed ways to structure my time more efficiently, and I finally felt effective again.”

—Vanessa, Public Relations Director